
Web archive

Clocking in at around 1,800 hours, KISDarchiv marks the most complex project in this portfolio. It can be described as an effort to enable access to thousands of digitally amassed documents that have been collected in the 20-year history of Köln International School of Design.

Personal project
Köln International School of Design
KISDarchiv, main page
KISDarchiv, main page

The project started with the processing of a few thousand files and database entries in order to create a suitable base to work off of. In the next step a modular interface was devised that would allow for maximum flexibility in browsing the data, allowing for various access methods and media. A distinct beta phase featuring constant feedback loop was employed to fine tune each interface and use case. The system was then used in a real world application, allowing students to provide further feedback. KISDarchiv was launched in early 2014.

KISDarchiv, search results page.
KISDarchiv, search results page.
KISDarchiv, bookmarks.
KISDarchiv, bookmarks.

The complexity of the project required a separate documentation for the staff and students to maintain and operate the system in the years to come. The documentation can be read here (PDF, 7.1 mb).

KISDarchiv, documentation/API.
KISDarchiv, documentation/API.